This will let you quick start new laravel projects.
1// first you must install it2composer global require laravel/installer3 4// than you can create new projects with5laravel new example-app6 7// adding --jet will install with Laravel JetStream8// This includes Alpine, Tailwind, and Livewire configured9laravel new example-app --jet
1// create a new model2// use Singluar version3php artisan make:model Book // not Books4php artisan make:model BookNote // not BookNotes5 6// create model with migration and factory seeder7php artisan make:model Book -mf
1// create new migration file 2// Covention: use _tables and plural versions 3php make:migration create_books_table // Correct 4php make:migration create_book_table // Incorrect 5 6// create fresh migration 7php artisan migrate:fresh 8 9// create fresh migration and run seeder files10php artisan migrate:fresh --seed11 12// run migration and force run of all the files13php artisan migrate --force